Worship God or Al Gore: The Left-Wing Church of Environmentalism and How It Hurts More Than It Helps

Al Gore
Al Gore

Let me preface this by clarifying how I am not only NOT anti-environmentalism, I am green myself. My problem does not lie with the concept of environmental stewardship – I just hate how left-wing extremists create non-existant crises for personal and political leverage.


Really; this fries my egg.


Being under (but very close to) 30, I remember being taught in school about environmental conscience and awareness. The problem is, however, that my liberal educational curriculum designers left out the part about how the premise of many of the “facts” being taught were not factual at all, but scientific theory.


In case you didn’t know, the assertion that global warming is caused by human beings is NOT FACT – it is the theoretical premise of SOME, not all scientists, and very few climatologists. In case you didn’t know, global warming and cooling are a part of the life of a planet such as ours. If you aren’t old enough to remember (I know I’m not), there was a supposed “Global Cooling Crisis” in the early 70s, and the heroes of that era proclaimed that the world would enter into a new Ice Age if something wasn’t done about it.  Science does not support the idea of a “Global Warming Crisis” AT ALL, but if you don’t question the mainstream media or politicians who say that they care about you, you’ll fall for this garbage.


Most Americans have fallen for it; you’re not alone.


Do a little research; you’ll see that what I’m telling you is absolutely true. But that means that Al Gore and all of the eco-nuts who judge you for driving an SUV and preach to you about “saving” a planet that is not in danger are either complete idiots or they have an agenda other than environmentalism.


And Al Gore is no idiot.


He is a crook of the lowest degree. Think about it; hiding in Clinton’s shadow, trying to skate into the White House without success, Gore needed a comeback. His political career was lacklustre AT BEST, so he needed to create an enemy that people loved to hate so that he might rally support. Al Gore needed to create a situation in which he would be depicted as the hero and we all would mourn over how America made the wrong choice when we let him get away.


And the Global Warming Crisis is born.


The junk science was already there; all he had to do was kick it up a notch and claim that there was a crisis no one was telling us about because the big bad government (that he wants to be a part of) and the big bad corporations (which provided him with everything he has ever had) wanted the wool to be pulled over your eyes. This “whistle blowing” put educators and journalists who had already been indoctrinated in the falsehood of human responsibility for global warming in a panic mode, causing everyone to look for a leader to think and speak for them.


In walks Al Gore, stage left.


Since most of us are not scientists, we tend to trust the word of leaders who claim to have science on their side. We as individuals have no basis to refute the claims; or so we think. Besides basic scientific knowledge and common sense, we are supposed to use wisdom and caution whenever someone cries wolf. However, we don’t. We’re taught to trust the news and to trust politicians if they shed a crocodile tear for the less fortunate and villainize those more powerful than them every now and then. The tragedy is that this kind of dirty social politics is designed to cause you to give up your freedoms in exchange for government protection from a perceived threat that is so big and bad that grown folks like yourself and millions of other American adults can’t handle it on your own. In comes government policies that tell you what you can and cannot use, eat, or buy. they’re already trying to do this with CFL lightbulbs that have poisonous mercury in them! The government would force you to use CFLs whether you object to them or not, and then have you pay the bill when the bulb breaks and you have to have a special hazmat team come in and clean it up.
But it keeps bureaucrats and certain eco-priests in business, so forget you and what you believe. You can’t think for yourself anyway, right? You need the goverment to be your daddy and tell you what to think, right? That’s how things are, if you really think about it.


And so we live in an America full of parrots; no one checks sources, no one questions leadership (unless they’re Republicans), and no one takes a moment to simply research popular opinion to see if the unpopular opinion makes any sense.


This kind of groupthink culture is no better than blind faith; it is superficially deep and seducingly religious. People repeat the first thing they hear and then place the megaphone on a pedastal. We have the freedom to think for ourselves in this country – let’s use it before the public is called to hail the savior of the earth, Al Gore the Environmentally Anointed One.


Yes, I am using a bit of hyperbole, but if you don’t see why, you may need to buy a clue with that purchase of carbon neuralization credits (are you kidding me) and your windmill.


No offense to windmills…
You can conserve and wisely utilize natural resources without turning into a nut job or an eco-priest. I’m living proof 😉

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CLEAR! – The Revival of the Soldier’s In America’s Culture War Blog

Yes, this blog did flatline. It was dead. For like, a month.

Bad, bad General…I know…

But hey, I’m back – and there are going to be a few changes implemented to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. I don’t want this blog to turn into a zombie!


1) More contributing authors. More officers means more posts more often – it makes sense, and it keeps things fresh.

2) More controversial topics. Not that there was ever a lack of controversial commentary here, but the more the merrier. it keeps people talking, which keeps writers motivated to write.

3) More stalking. Yes, I will stalk all of you and make you leave at least one comment a day. I will allow you to stalk me until I write a new post. I believe in reciprocity. And of course, I’m just kidding.


The war doesn’t take a vacation, so neither will I,

The General

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The Future of Working Class America – Sink or…Dream?

Whether you know it or not, America is facing a new Industrial Revolution – but this time, it’s a bust instead of a boom. The working and lower middle classes are struggling just to survive as corporations downsize, jobs are exported, more goods are imported, and the economy evolves.

So, what do you do if you find yourself scrambling to keep your number in the Rat Race? Do you sit down and have a pity party where socialized medicine and (fill in the blank)s are given as favors? Do you throw your hands up and blame capitalism for all your problems? Do you take out a second mortgage and invest it all in the stock market or the latest business opportunity? There are pertinent questions that need to be answered, and in this Presidential Election year, politicians claim to have the answers.

But I’m not so sure that what they are proposing will really help…

America’s legacy lies in what we call “The American Dream” – when times get tough, the tough get innovative and industrious. That’s what we do. That’s why people come here. Every race, every culture has developed old and new ideas together to produce industry.

The working class is the next “race” that must do so in order to survive.

I propose that simply diversifying one’s income and cutting back will do the trick. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it does involve some trial and error, but it will prove to increase your net worth when you do it and commit to it.

Those who come up from the (supposed) ashes of our changing economy will be those who learn to evolve with it. There’s no point in trying to make a square peg of tradition fit into a round hole. Change happens. We have to learn to roll with the punches.

That’s what Americans do.

So, if you are not making enough on the job, find other ways to make money. It’s no longer an option – if you want to maintain your quality of life, it’s a necessity. It’s not enough to just continue education; that takes time and money, and it does not guarantee that you will be able to work in your field for the pay that you want. I’m not discouraging anyone from continuing education, but I do submit that it must be done very strategically, with a real business sense and not just high hopes.

Your future is in your own hands. You have the power to make strategic decisions, no matter how much you do or do not have in the bank, toward securing your financial future. There are opportunities that anyone can use to get started. They may not make you rich, but you can use them as building blocks toward bigger and better things. Whether you become a business mogul or just bring in a few extra hundred dollars a month, having multiple income streams is the 21st Century adaptation of The American Dream for the working class.

The Home Biz Marketing Blog has more on home business options and income diversification.

What are YOUR thoughts?

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Jesus – The Action Figure: Cool or Not Cool?

Recently, at a local bookstore, I saw something that literally made me do a double-take. I thought that I may have been mistaken, but I was not – it was indeed a Jesus Christ action figure. With posable arms, mind you. You can imagine how stunned I was to behold such a thing. Absolutely had to take a pic with my cell phone.

‘Oh…my…God’, I thought as the mock shutter sounded, signifying that I had captured this shocking image.

And then I continued to think about it. I want to know what YOU think – should Jesus be protrayed as an action figure? Does it reduce him to the likes of Barbie or G.I. Joe? Does it empower children to live out their faith? Genius? Blasphemous?

What say you?

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The Digital Age – Is It Hurting Us As Much As It Is Helping?

I am really beginning to question my relationship with modern electronics…seriously…

I recently moved, and unfortunately, our janky phone service provider has yet to transfer our service after almost two weeks. So, I still have NO INTERNET SERVICE AT HOME…


That is, with the excepton of Windows Mobile 6, which I am using for the first time in a few days because my Blackjack II went psycho on me this past week. Just got my new one via FedEx today. So, I was VERY frusrated all weekend.

I mean, REALLY frustrated.

And when I saw the FedEx truck outside, I literally jumped up and down and began clapping and singing. I was actually surprised at how excited I got. I don’t think a PDA phone should be so serious in one’s life.

However, as I look back over the past week, the interruption in my multimedia communications made me very irritable. I was a bit of a mess. Since I am a stay-at-home mom with very small children and a hubby who works second shift, it can be difficult to just pick up and roll out to the nearest WiFi hotspot. I finally had that opp today – and it felt good.

I know that it was a good thing, but it actually FELT good.

Is that bad? Has our digital society created a new addiction? We know that internet and cellular technologies are awesome for connecting people with information and other people, but what about the connection that is created with these mediums themselves? Is it unhealthy? Is it only to be expected?

Is it a conspiracy? *raises one eyebrow*

What do YOU think based on your own experiences?

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Your Definition of the American Dream

Hey gang,

I took a short vacation, but I’m back and ready to blog 🙂 So, let’s start the week off right by examining an issue that speaks to the heart of why we’re here:

What is your definition of “The American Dream”? There is a specific definition, but I want to know what you believe ‘the dream’ really is. The American Culture comes from The American Dream…

So, what say you? What is “The American Dream” to you?

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‘Adult’ Entertainment: If We Don’t Protect Our Children, Who Will?

While visiting a friend yesterday, I had a chance to watch a small portion of a children’s show called, “Hip-Hop Harry”. This Hip-Hop Harry is actually a dancing bear (wah waaaaah) who raps – like Barney with a gold chain and a flow. My three-year-old began to whine when he saw the show because he doesn’t know what rap is; the unfamiliarity of it all kind of shook him up. So, my friend turned to another, more traditional cartoon (Maggie the Mouse I think it was), and order was restored. After my son calmed down, my friend and I discussed Hip-Hop Harry more in depth.

She, like I, was not impressed when she first saw the show. The rapping bear was not her idea of a positive image for young children. However, an older child pleaded with her to give it a chance so that she would see the positive impact Hip-Hop Harry could have on a child. My friend agreed, and she explained that she ended up liking the character a lot. For the moment or two that we watched (my son really didn’t stop whining until she changed the channel), I was able to see that Hip-Hop Harry was rapping about reading and the importance of books. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Nothing except that children young enough to watch Hip-Hop Harry probably shouldn’t need to be engaged by a rapping teddy bear to become interested in learning. Why do small children even know what hip-hop is, anyway? The subject matters of most hip-hop (and I use that term loosely) songs are for mature (if you can be truly mature and listen to that crap) audiences only – the days of “Parents Just Don’t Understand” are long gone. So why are little children so familiar with rap music that someone felt the need to create a character like Hip-Hop Harry?

I’m thankful that my three-year-old is turned off by rap right now – it’s going to be tough to keep him protected from it for more than a few more years. However, I believe that I am supposed to protect him from it. It’s not cute when kindergarten children can’t spell their names, but can sing all the lyrics to the latest rap, R&B, or pop songs on the radio. That’s triffling.  If you watch MTV, you should probably do that when your kids aren’t around – they are sponges. When you’re driving in the family car, is Usher really appropriate?

Shouldn’t children be protected from ‘adult’ entertainment? 

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Pharmaceutical Commercials – An Enemy in the REAL War On Drugs

Let me preface this argument with the notion that pharmaceutical drugs in and of themselves are neither good nor evil – many lives have been saved because of pharmaceutical drugs. The pills themselves have not hurt my feelings or caused my outrage, considering that they are inanimate objects.

Now that I have the PC out of the way, let’s get to some real talk about the pharmaceutical industry – it’s killing American culture and Americans themselves. Since this a capitalist nation (that’s a good thing), consumers have to be responsible, and if you really want to fight in the supposed “War On Drugs”, you’d better start by paying attention to these misleading and often tasteless and offensive pharmaceutical commercials.

First of all, doctors are supposed to prescribe drugs – shouldn’t they be watching commercials about pharmaceutical drugs? Why would I need to see a commercial about medication that I can’t go out and get myself?

The answer is so that a nation full of hypocondriacs and jellybacks can diagnose themselves and line the pockets of both doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Although there are millions of people who truly are suffering from both physical and mental illnesses, there are millions more who are convinced that they have conditions that they really do not have or need drugs that they really do not need. Furthermore, EVERYTHING is a disease now. Obesity is now a disease (as opposed to one just being fat), kids who need discipline (and Jesus) automatically have ADHD, and anyone who feels the pressures of life gets a happy pill (otherwise known as antidepressants).

When people go to their doctors demanding treatments that they may or may not need, yellow-bellied physicians often give in and prescribe medications that they know patients could live without. When overzealous pill-pushers tell you that you have to have such-and-such medicine to live, since you saw the commercial on television and everyone was smiling in it, you go ahead and okay the treatment without a second thought or a second opinion.

This is NOT good for people who don’t take their futures into their own hands.

But the phamraceutical companies cover their butts well; the fine print and the guy who mumbles really fast at the end of the commercial give you the ugly truth about these drugs. For instance, Advair, a popular asthma medication, tells you as the actors are smiling and living stress-free lives that there are serious side effects connected with Advair usage, INCLUDING ASTHMA-RELATED DEATH!!! OMG, why would I want to take an asthma medication that has been known to cause asthma-related DEATH?

I would have to be awfully desperate, or a poor schmuck who doesn’t pay enough attention to what’s going on around me.

Melody Petersen, author of OUR DAILY MEDS: HOW THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES TRANSFORMED THEMSELVES INTO SLICK MARKETING MACHINES AND HOOKED THE NATION ON PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, exposes how marketing, not science, is the real drive behind drug trials, lectures, and promotion.

And I don’t even have the time to get into how disgusting some of the commercials are due to the nature of the conditions that they treat. Your erectile dysfunction and herpes are your own business, and if you need medication for those conditions, you most certainly know how to get them on your own. The problem is that genital herpes and erectile dysfunction can be successfully treated by other means, and pharmaceutical companies want you to believe that they cannot.

Furthermore, (as my husband pointed out – I promised I’d give him credit for the blurb) the genital herpes/warts commercials let people know that if you get a life-changing disease like HERPES, instead of slowing down and thinking about your lifestyle you should get doped up and get right back in the game! There are no consequences for your actions now – have unprotected sex as much as you want because if you get herpes, you can still lead a normal life. The fear of disease is eased by the availability of medications that will supress the symptoms. It’s almost like you never contracted it – you can ride bikes with your uninfected lover and pedal off into the sunset with no problem. That’s EXACTLY the mentality I wanted my children to grow up with. Thanks a lot 🙂


And by the way, as I was writing this, a Levitra (ED pill) commercial aired and quietly let me know that SEVERE INJURY and VISION OR HEARING LOSS can come as a result of taking this stuff, all while the gorgeous older guy lovingly dotes over his (assumed) wife to reassure me that this is okay to talk about and okay to treat because even studs and stallions have a little trouble getting the plumbimg to work properly sometimes.



But hey – it’s their right to market to you any way they can. It’s therefore your responsibility not to be a dope and take their dope just because they tell you it will be alright.

I’m a pretty healthy person, but I have to say that pharmaceutical commercials make me sick.

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Sex and the City – Misleading Women In Theaters Everywhere

Sex and the CitySigh…

I wish that more young women could see how the “SATC” movie, as it is called, is a boatload of garbage that will certainly keep you thinking the WRONG thing about relationships and how real life works.

Although it’s obvious that I am no fan of the series, I have watched a great number of episodes – I think it’s important to stay abreast of what is killing the brain cells of today’s youth and young adults. Since I also work with young ladies, it’s good to know what influences them, and Sex and the City influences a great number of women, young and old.

But watching the show makes me itch – I mean, these are some of the trampiest women I’ve seen in a long time. I say this because the characters are too old to act the way that they do. Silly young twenty-somethings make mistakes and foolish decisions, but these women are well into their thirties, still whoring around and giving it up to anyone who might smell like he’s the one, maybe.

Or not…

The show is obviously about the sexual habits of these women, but I mean, Lord have mercy, these are some really shallow women. But, because they live jet-setting New York lifestyles and wear trendy clothes, they have become role models for many American women, and it’s sickening.

The one redeeming quality that the show had  was the notion that living like this doesn’t get you love. It may get you a baby’s daddy, a disease, and some embarrassment, but not the traditional married life and lifestyle (more or less) that these women (with the exception of Samantha) were looking for.

Until now…

SATC wraps it all up in one nice bow, where Carrie, the biggest whoring dingbat of them all, gets the guy (who she’s been chasing after on and off for 10 years), the fancy wedding, and the big house, too. Well, that’s what the trailers are leading us to believe.

If there is some twist in the movie where reality comes back to bite this pipe dream where it hurts, please leave a comment here and let me know – I’ll post an update reflecting more accurately on the film and make any apologies if need be.

However, at the very least, the trailer is teaching young women across the country that, even whoremonging chickenheads, if they just wait it out, will get the guy and the white picket fence, too.

The problem with this message is that it simply isn’t true, and that’s why there are so many single older women who are so used and abused that no decent man wants to be bothered with them now…not for long, anyway.


How do you feel about it?

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The Battle Cry – I Just Couldn’t Take It Anymore

Hello reader,

Today, I had to start this blog or I was going to blow a gasket. Seriously…

As I watched a Viagra commercial at about 3:00 in the afternoon on network television on Sunday of all days, I knew it was time. I hoped that my three-year-old son had not noticed how catchy the “Viva, Viagra” jingle is because if he had, he would be singing it soon.

And what if I didn’t have kids? I still don’t want to hear about your erection! My God! In the middle of the day, no less!

With all that is on television, radio, and in theaters, I knew that I had to be a voice that would call for other voices like my own. There must be a place in online social media where the truth can be told without censorship, and where those who are fed up with the degradation of our society can rally together. There had to be a battle cry…

I can’t sit and watch this crap anymore without saying something and saying it LOUD.

So here we are 🙂


Are you a soldier in America’s Culture War?

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